Publications, Proceedings, and Software Packages

Books & Edited Volumes

Roose, J., Flood, M., Alfano, M., Greig, A., & Copland, S. (2022). Masculinity and Violent Extremism. Palgrave.

Collins, D., Jovanovic I., & Alfano, M. (forthcoming). The Moral Psychology of Trust. Lexington.

Alfano, M., Klein, C., & de Ridder, J. (2022). Social Virtue Epistemology. Routledge.

Book Chapters

Alfano, M., Ferreira, M., Reimann, R., Cheong, M. & Klein, C. (forthcoming). Epistemic minimax and related principles in the contemporary epistemic environment. In Popa-Wyatt, M. (ed.), Misinformation and Other Epistemic Pathologies. Cambridge University Press.

Reimann, R. & Alfano, M. (2024). Political disagreement, moral misinformation, and affective polarization. In Baghramian, M., Carter, J. A., & Rowland, R. (eds.), Handbook of the Philosophy of Disagreement. Routledge.

Alfano, M., & Podosky, P.-M. (2022). Fanaticism in the manosphere. In Katsafanas, P. (ed.), The History and Philosophy of Fanaticism. Routledge.

Chan, A., Ferreira, M., & Alfano, M. (2022). Reactionary attitudes: Strawson, Twitter, and the Black Lives Matter Movement. In Aguiar-Gonzalez, F. & Gaitán, A. (eds.), Experimental Methods in Moral Philosophy. Routledge.

Meyer, M. & Alfano, M. (2022). Fake news, conspiracy theorizing, and intellectual vice. In Alfano, M., Klein, C., & de Ridder, J. Social Virtue Epistemology. Routledge.

Alfano, M. & Sullivan, E. (2021). Online trust and distrust. In M. Hannon & J. de Ridder (eds.), Handbook of Political Epistemology. Routledge.

Sullivan, E., & Alfano, M. (2021). A normative framework for sharing information online. In C. Véliz (ed.), Oxford Handbook of Digital Ethics. Oxford University Press.

Alfano, M., Sullivan, E., & Ebrahimi Fard, A. (2021). Ethical pitfalls for natural language processing in psychology. In M. Dehghani & R. Boyd (eds.), The Handbook of Language Analysis in Psychology. Guilford Press.

Alfano, M. & Sullivan, E. (2020). Humility in networks. In A. Tanesini, M. Lynch, & M. Alfano (eds.), Routledge Handbook of Humility. Routledge.

Sullivan, E. & Alfano, M. (2020). Vectors of epistemic insecurity. In I. J. Kidd, H. Battaly, & Q. Cassam (eds.), Vice Epistemology: Theory and Practice. Routledge.

Sullivan, E., Sondag, M., Rutter, I., Meulemans, W., Cunningham, S., Speckmann, B., & Alfano, M. (2020). Can real social epistemic networks deliver the wisdom of crowds? In T. Lombrozo, J. Knobe, & S. Nichols (eds.), Oxford Studies in Experimental Philosophy. Oxford University Press.

Alfano, M. & Huijts, N. (2020). Trust in institutions and governance. In J. Simon (ed.), Handbook of Trust and Philosophy. Routledge.

Journal issues

Alfano, M. & Klein, C. (2022). Trust in a social and digital world. Social Epistemology.

Alfano, M. & Klein, C. (2019-20). Digital trust and distrust. Social Epistemology Review and Reply Collective.

Journal articles

Alfano, M., Cheong, M., & Curry, O. (2024). Moral universals: A machine-reading analysis of 256 societies. Heliyon.

Cheong, M., Abedin, E., Ferreira, M., Reimann, R., Chalson, S., Robinson, P., Byrne, J., Ruppanner, L., Alfano, M. & Klein, C. (2024). Investigating gender and racial biases in DALL-E Mini Images. ACM Journal on Responsible Computing.

Alfano, M., Abedin, E., Reimann, R., Ferreira, M., & Cheong, M. (2024). Now you see me, now you don’t: An exploration of religious exnomination in DALL-E. Ethics and Information Technology.

Abedin, E., Ferreira, M., Reimann, R., Cheong, M., Grossmann, I., & Alfano, M. (2023). Exploring intellectual humility through the lens of artificial intelligence: Top terms, features and a predictive model. Acta Psychologica, 238, 103979.

Ojea Quintana, I., Reimann, R., Cheong, M., Alfano, M. & Klein, C. (2022). Polarization and trust in the evolution of vaccine discourse on Twitter during COVID-19. PLoS ONE.

Klein, C., Reimann, R., Ojea Quintana, I., Cheong, M., Ferreira, M., & Alfano, M. (2022). Attention and counter-framing in the Black Lives Matter movement on Twitter. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications.

Ferreira, M., Cheong, M., Reimann, R., & Alfano, M. (2022). Silver linings to black boxes. Perspectives on Psychological Science.

Alfano, M., Astola, M., & Urbanowicz, P. (2022). Having a sense of humor as a virtue. Journal of Value Inquiry.

Pavlović, T. … Alfano, M., et al. (2022). Predicting attitudinal and behavioral responses to COVID-19 pandemic using machine learning. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences: Nexus.

Alfano, M., Reimann, R., Ojea Quintana, I., Cheong, M., & Klein, C. (2022). The affiliative use of emoji and hashtags in the Black Lives Matter movement on Twitter. Social Science Computer Review.

Ferreira, M., Cheong, M., Klein, C., & Alfano, M. (2022). The tragic coalition of the rational and the irrational: A threat to collective responses to COVID-19. Philosophical Psychology.

Meyer, M., de Bruin, B., & Alfano, M. (2021). Development and validation of the epistemic vice scale. Review of Philosophy and Psychology.

Alfano, M. (2021). Elections, civic trust, and digital literacy: The promise of blockchain as a basis for common knowledge. Northern European Journal of Philosophy, 22(1): 97-110.

Meyer, M., Alfano, M., & de Bruin, B. (2021). Epistemic vice predicts acceptance of Covid-19 misinformation. Episteme.

Alfano, M., Carter, J. A., Ebrahimi Fard, A., Clutton, P., & Klein, C. (2020). Technologically scaffolded atypical cognition: The case of YouTube’s recommender system. Synthese.

Sullivan, E., Sondag, M., Rutter, I., Meulemans, W., Cunningham, S., Speckmann, B. & Alfano, M. (2020). Vulnerability in social epistemic networks. International Journal of Philosophical Studies.

Conference proceedings

Klein, C., Cheong, M., Ferreira, M., Sullivan, E., & Alfano, M. (2022). The wisdom_of_crowds: An efficient, philosophically-validated, social epistemological network profiling toolkit. Complex Networks 2022.

Venkatasubramanian, S. & Alfano, M. (2020). The philosophical basis for algorithmic recourse. Proceedings of the 2020 Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency (ACM FAT*).

Software Packages

Python: wisdom-of-crowds (peer-reviewed, tested, and efficient reimplementation of the Sullivan et al algorithm: and 

R: liwcahead (reimplementation of liwcalike with wildcard support - in beta -